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The Asian Development Bank or ADB is a multilateral non-profit organisation committed to achieving 'a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining our efforts to eradicate extreme poverty’.  


In 2021 the bank unveiled its Knowledge Management Action Plan (KMAP), which maps out how it will evolve from a pure financial institution to a 'knowledge solution provider' able to help developing member countries (DMCs) tackle their challenges with innovation as well as money.


One of the key initiatives was the launch of 'The Knowledge Forum'; an event to promote, educate and celebrate how knowledge management can foster that innovation and thus enhance the impact of development work across Asia and the Pacific. 


With just over a month to the hybrid spectacle, and using a brand new cutting edge online platform acquired by ADB, Moore's Lore Media was challenged to drive an audience, create excitement, capture content and turn the entire experience into a living, breathing example of knowledge management in action.  This, in brief, is how we did it...


We built an event-specific brand kit on Canva, which enabled us to churn out scores of social media assets at minimal cost including 'Speaker Packs' which we delivered to our highest profile speakers who were only too happy to share them on our preferred platform, LinkedIn, using our hashtag, which enabled us to track the 80,000+ organic impressions that led to 2,900 online registrations.


Due to Covid restrictions we were remote but set up a mission control in Singapore from where we captured live quotes, comments and stats from the live feed, turned them instantly into social media assets and output them to both LinkedIn and the event platform for online delegates to enjoy and share.  At the end of each day we consolidated the key takeaways into a daily email alert to the entire registered database including a reminder of what was still to come the next day.


Finally, we uploaded all on-demand sessions to YouTube with original and shareable thumbnails, repackaged the key takeaways to promote each on-demand session on LinkedIn and turned the entire exercise into a Knowledge Management case study by producing the detailed PDF guide to successfully  marketing an ADB event, below. 


Read or download our detailed report on how we built an innovative, digitally-led communications strategy that attracted almost 30 times the number of expected attendees, below.

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